“PANOPTIS 2020” | Cyber ​​Warfare Exercise with the participation of the National Guard’s Cyber ​​Defence Company and National CSIRT
Defence Redefined
Published on 10/10/2020 at 17:44

On October 2, the Joint, Transnational and Intergovernmental Cyber ​​Warfare exercise “PANOPTIS 2020” was completed.

The Cyber ​​Defence Administration of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff was in charge of this exercise. A total of about 100 teams from Military Formations Headquarters, various organizations of the wider public and private sector and the academic community from all over Greece and Cyprus took part in “PANOPTIS 2020”.

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On behalf of the Republic of Cyprus the following teams participated in the event:  staff and reservists of the National Guard’s 51st Cyber ​​Defence Company, other government departments, private sector and academic sector organizations as well as analysts from the National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) and the Digital Security Authority.

The exercise included identifying and resolving various cyber security incidents, covering both individual and larger incidents, which required a coordinated response at multiple levels.

The exercise scenarios covered a large number of cyber defence issues, such as malware analysis, digital exploration of evidence on different PC operating systems, routers, Internet application vulnerabilities, and detection/analysis of network infrastructure breaches.

“Panoptis-2018” ©Hellenic National Defence General Staff

“PANOPTIS” exercise has taken place annually since 2010 and involves more than 200 people from the Armed and Security Forces, Academic and Research centers, Government departments and the Private Sector. 

It is noted that the National Guard has been participating in this exercise since 2018 after the formation of the Cyber ​​Defence Company, which is part of the Signals, Information and Cyber ​​Defence Directorate of the National Guard.

“Panoptis-2018” – NGGS ©National Guard General Staff

The mission of the Cyber ​​Defence Company is to provide security for classified and non-classified networks and information systems within the National Guard. Furthermore, to prevent possible attacks that will degrade the operation of information systems and to detect and deal promptly with attacks and possible breaches of military network and information systems. The Company is manned by specialized Army Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Professional Soldiers. 

With information from:,,

* Title image from archive © US Army Cyber ​​Command

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