The Cyprus Police, in the context of the prevention and fight against organised crime and terrorism, is implementing a project entitled…

The protection system for five critical infrastructures of the Republic from unmanned aircraft is expected to operate prior to the end of 2024.
These are the Presidential Palace, the Central Prisons, the Police Headquarters and the airports of Larnaca and Paphos.
The detection of hostile drones is implemented through specialized sensors with a range of up to 7 km. The project was undertaken following a tender by the Greek company Adaptit, while the total cost will amount to 2.1 million euros.
The installation of the anti-drone protection dome will upgrade the country’s security level and neutralize drone flights over the penitentiary for the purpose of transporting drugs.
Lastly, by the end of 2025, the installation of the new modern mobile phone deactivation system is set in Central Prisons, in order to crucially blow the organization of serious crimes via the prisons.
Also read: Italy | Cell phones and drugs delivered in prisons by drones
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