Italy | Cell phones and drugs delivered in prisons by drones
Defence Redefined
Published on 02/02/2024 at 19:50

Gang members accused of delivering mobile phones and drugs to prisoners using drones have been arrested in Italy.

According to the investigations, the delivery of cell phones and telephones by four members of the network to prisoners took place in prisons in the wider area of ​​Turin, central Italy, and Sicily.

Italian police seized two drones, while the investigation began last December, with the arrest of one operator. What’s most impressive is that this whole illegal network was coordinated by a prisoner, who is accused of collaboration with the mafia and is being held in the prisons of Akraganta, Sicily.

The drone operators received 1,500 euros for each delivery, so within a few months the organization had earned over 100,000 euros. The drugs and cell phones would be delivered directly to the inmates’ cells, while the mastermind would then be sent a video as proof of delivery.

There were sometimes complaints about an incomplete or failed mission, which would then take place again for free.

Also read: Scotland | Increased use of drones to deliver drugs to prisons




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