Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
Defence Redefined
Published on 24/04/2024 at 17:37

On this day, 109 years ago, the genocide of the Armenian people by the Ottoman Empire began, with April 24 being the day of remembrance so that we never forget the crimes committed.

April 24, 1915 was the day on which the leadership of the Armenian community of Constantinople was imprisoned and hundreds of Armenians of the City were hanged. It is considered one of the first genocides of the modern era.

The number of people who lost their lives in the massacres is 1,500,000.

The Armenian Genocide was carried out in the same way as genocides against other Christian populations of the Ottoman Empire, the Greeks, and the Assyrians.

Especially for the Armenians, the need for extermination was greater because, unlike the Greeks, there was no Armenian state to which they could be expelled.

Thus, it was decided to exterminate them in Anatolia.

Also read: USA | One step before the recognition of the Armenian Genocide – Gratitude to Cyprus, expresses V. Mahdessian




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