Iran recently unveiled its new Etemad ballistic missile with a range of 1,700 km during a ceremony in Tehran attended by…

Recent analysis of infantry and Special Forces missions has shown the particular need for a compact, lightweight, low-cost and precise multi-role weapon. One a single soldier can carry and operate.
The current generation of unguided direct fire support weapons offer mobility and ease of use, yet lack the precision to engage moving or concealed targets at range. Conventional guided missile systems offer greater accuracy at increased range, but are typically larger, more complex and have higher cost per shot.
A highly precise guided missile system with the form factor and the simplicity of use of an unguided system bridges this gap. Offering a significant opportunity to maintain military overmatch. It provides the soldier with a highly mobile, easy to use and cost effective method to reliably strike modern battlefield threats faster and more precisely than before. Such a unique weapon system, developed by the European leader in missile systems, MBDA, is in the market under the brand “Enforcer”.
Also read: ENFORCER | MBDA’s man-portable, lightweight anti-tank missile system
According to MBDA, the Enforcer consists of a single-shot munition (launch tube, gripset and missile) with a weight of less than 10 kg, combined with a re-usable sighting system for battlefield observation and target identification. The Enforcer is also compatible with different sighting systems like the Hensoldt FLV5.5×30 Dynahawk or the Aimpoint FCS14-RE.
Also read: DEFEA 2023 | MBDA’s missile selection and confirmation of its long-term footprint in Greece
The target spectrum includes stationary and moving targets, such as lightly armoured vehicles and soft targets behind cover. The possibility to select the fuze mode between direct hit, impact with delay and airburst mode enables the operator to use the weapon according to his specific mission requirements. The unique capabilities of this new weapon system convinced the German Armed Forces to procure the system under the name “Leichtes Wirkmittel 1800+”.
Over its development, Enforcer demonstrated its capabilities in a large number of static and flight tests, in very challenging environmental conditions.
“Enforcer has successfully passed a series of important tests. Meanwhile, we reached the final phase of the qualification and we are confident of delivering the first serial missile batch to the customer in 2024,” explains Markus Martinstetter, Senior Technical and Military Operations Manager in MBDA.
In firing tests, MBDA’s Enforcer team was able to achieve several very accurate hits with guided shots up to 2,000 metres. Demo videos show highly accurate, direct and centred hits on static and moving targets.
Also read: AQUILA | MBDA to lead consortium for European interceptor against hypersonic threats
The modular design of the basic Enforcer version enables the spiral development of new variants. In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, MBDA realises there is a demand for anti-tank capabilities in addition to the multi-effect requirements.
MBDA believes that is where Enforcer has a future role, adapted for an expanded range of targets with low development effort. “The Enforcer missile was designed from the outset to be expandable and modular; for example, other seeker or warheads can be easily integrated,” explains Martinstetter. This makes it possible to implement, for example, an armour-piercing variant (“Enforcer X”) without much effort.
Enforcer X would be the anti-tank variant of the guided missile. Enforcer X will differ from Enforcer for the warhead featuring a tandem shaped charge. The Enforcer X warhead will enable to engage heavily armoured vehicles and those equipped with third-generation reactive protection, at ranges of 2 km+ and even while on the move. In addition, the gunner can also select a lofted trajectory for top attack. Apart from the warhead, all other assemblies and operating elements are identical, meaning the system would offer high synergies and advantages for training and logistics with the basic Enforcer variant.
The ENFORCER X, with its anti-tank capability and selectable trajectories, and the ENFORCER with its direct hit, impact with delay and airburst mode, together with their ease-to-use and high precision represent both unique products in the segment of guided infantry missiles.
Also read: LAAD 2023 | MBDA and XMobots showcase Nauru drone with Enforcer Air missiles
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