Ukraine | TOR missile misses DJI MAVIC 1 drone – VIDEO
Defence Redefined
Published on 18/07/2023 at 17:13

Through the following video (end of article), Cerbair highlights the necessity of using various systems on the modern battlefield to deal with drones (anti-drone systems) in particular.

The video depicts a TOR-type anti-aircraft system (M1 or M2) failing to hit a DJI MAVIC 1-type drone that was hovering or flying at low speed.

From the available footage, it can be estimated that the TOR’s track and lock-on radar performed effectively as it was able to successfully locate and guide the missile against such a small and slow target, even though the missile did not explode in the terminal phase.

The TOR system uses target illumination via tracking radar since the missile (9M331) does not feature a seeker. During the terminal phase, the missile’s proximity fuze takes over the explosion of the missile’s 15 kg warhead via a small radar antenna on the missile’s warhead.

Also read: TOR M1 | The reliable SHORAD of the National Guard

However, in this case, it appears that the proximity fuze did not work efficiently and this is likely, given the small size of the target and its slow speed, even though the TOR is theoretically an air defence system for point defence.

In any case, it can be concluded that it is neither operationally nor economically desirable to launch an expensive anti-aircraft missile with a limited depot against such a low-value target.

According to Cerbair, it would be more cost-effective to use a specialized system against this type of threat, as the additional cost of such a system would be quickly depreciated by saving the more expensive anti-aircraft missiles.

Also read: Cerbair | Lessons learned from the Houthi drone attacks in the UAE

The scenario of dealing with drones or other low RCS threats such as artillery shells, mortars, and rockets has been highlighted several times by our website. Below you can read a relevant article with references to the National Guard’s TOR M1.

Also read: Ahead® ammunition and the prospect of upgrading “OTHELLOS” for the National Guard | Photos & VIDEO




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