Joint “Close Quarters Battle” exercise of Greek, Cypriot and Armenian Special Forces – Photos
Defence Redefined
Published on 30/11/2021 at 15:01

The joint training “Close Quarters Battle 2021”, which a Special Operations team of the National Guard’s Special Forces Command participated in with respective units from Greece and Armenia, has been completed. The training was organised by the Hellenic Army General Staff and was held from November 22-26, 2021 at the Unconventional Warfare Training Center in Rentina.

According to the National Guard General Staff (GEEF), the purpose of the joint training was to increase the combat capability and interoperability of the participants. Specifically, the scenario of the exercise’s final phase included rapid response shots, on-the-move shots, night shots, urban warfare and treatment of casualties and the wounded within urban areas.

The participation of National Guard personnel in this joint training enables it to gain additional experience and contributes to the increase of the operational capabilities of the Special Operations Command. 

In addition, the conduct of similar exercises, in combination with the implementation of the Tripartite Cooperation Program between Greece, Cyprus and Armenia, reflect the excellent cooperation between the Armed Forces of the three countries.

GEEF released photos from the “Close Quarters Battle 2021” joint exercise.

Source: GEEF

Also read: Cyprus – Greece – Armenia sign Tripartite Defence Cooperation Program




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