Great Britain | “Unravels” the Brexit deal
Defence Redefined
Published on 29/06/2022 at 10:30

A law allowing Britain to scrap some of the provisions of the Brexit trade deal with Northern Ireland has passed the first of the parliamentary tests that it will face in the coming months.

On Monday, British MEPs voted in favor (295 in favor and 221 against) the Northern Ireland Protocol bill, which unilaterally overturns part of the 2020 Brussels-London divorce agreement.

The protocol – included in the Brexit agreement – requires checks on goods arriving in Northern Ireland from England, Scotland, and Wales to identify products that could potentially be directed to the EU via the Republic of Ireland. This creates a customs border under the Irish Sea.

United parties and the UK government say the protocol threatens the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, which ended three decades of violence for British rule in Northern Ireland. They want to remove controls on goods, animal, and plant products traveling from the UK by creating a “green channel” for goods destined to remain in Northern Ireland.

Brussels has stated that it will take legal action against Great Britain for the unilateral reversal of the Brexit agreement, Euronews reports.

Also read: Bulgaria | Veto lifting in EU-Skopje accession negotiations




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