Cyprus Police Association (CPA) | Dissatisfaction for those who openly seek to disunite Police members – Announcement
Defence Redefined
Published on 09/04/2021 at 09:55

An announcement was issued by the Cyprus Police Association (CPA), in which it expresses its strong concern for those who openly seek to disunite Police members by “roaming”, according to CPA, from one guild to another.

The announcement as is:

“The Cyprus Police Association (CPA) wishes to express its strong concern and.dissatisfaction with all harmful efforts of those who openly seek to disunite Police members, suffering all the adverse consequences in the course of resolving all vital issues of concern to us.

We consider unacceptable the fact that some, serving their personal interests and for purposes contrary to our interests and rights, openly attempt to disunite Police members by “roaming” from one guild to another, merely serving their own personal ambitions and wants.

The CPA, the only valid trade union for the members of the Police and the Fire Service, calls on all members to avert from those who seek to disunite us, in order to prevent the visible dangers posed by their irresponsible and reckless actions.

All colleagues must realize that since its inception, the CPA has been the defender of our professional interests and the trade union that has brought substantial improvements in our employment terms and conditions. Such strong proof is the regulation of vital issues such as: 

  • The optimization of our working hours in terms of rest and sick leave.
  •  The consultations regarding payroll benefits for all ranks.
  •  The steps taken to resolve the vital issue of the pension scheme with expected improvements for the pensions of current colleagues and the unprecedented provision of a pension plan for fellow Special Police Officers.
  •  The continuous interventions to defend the prestige and dignity of the police profession.
  •  The efforts to restore benefits and overtime pay as these were prior to the financial crisis.
  •  The constant support and assistance to the problems that arise during the daily execution of our duties.

The CPA calls on all colleagues to reflect and realize that the divisive and emerging Messiahs have no other virtues than the unbridled slogans, the appropriation and reassessment of demands that the CPA has already put on the negotiation table in the context of long-lasting studies and efforts, striving for their final settlement. Concluding, the CPA calls on all members to work together and show solidarity for a better tomorrow for all police officers, firefighters and their families.


Thursday, April 8, 2021.”

Also read: Cyprus Police Association | “Next goal, the upgrading of all ranks” 





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