ASCANIO | Mixed Reality training made-in-Cyprus
Defence Redefined
Published on 28/04/2024 at 19:10

Technology is advancing at an accelerated pace and so do the training requirements of those holding high-risk positions. In this field, ASCANIO, a purely Cypriot company, manages to stand out thanks to its innovative approach. Founded in 2015 and based in Nicosia, this company has already gained considerable recognition, among others, in the training industry by revolutionizing the training of officials with high-risk activities. Specifically, ASCANIO is a Mixed Reality (MR) software development company focused on delivering safety, scalability and real-time training for high-risk and mission-critical occupations, including the defence domain. ascanio-

George Tziazas, CEO & Minas Kyriakou CTO Ascanio

Also read: Rheinmetall and Lockheed Martin join forces in bid to win Canadian Army Land Vehicle Crew Training System program ASCANIO’s approach stems from its aim to develop the next generation of field training solutions. Specifically with regard to the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Forces, and First Responders, Mixed Reality technology is the reliable ally for the better preparation of personnel. ASCANIO’s training platform offers truly simulated operational conditions, allowing trainees to deal with real scenarios safely and effectively. From familiarization with procedures in dangerous situations to dealing with emergency situations, ASCANIO creates training programs designed to enhance the skills and readiness of personnel, ensuring the effective operation of organizations under any circumstances. To that end, the company has introduced the TRACER Project, which represents a new dimension in Mixed Reality training for defence, first responders and civil protection teams. TRACER has been developed in collaboration with Eight Bells Ltd and Embio Diagnostics Ltd, and it is a pioneering, scenario-based training.  tracer TRACER seeks to enhance dual-use training via the synergy of real-time and biometric data analysis, AI-driven training and evaluation, and direct communication capabilities with command stations, thus setting new standards in operational training.  The project was funded by the Research and Innovation Foundation. ASCANIO’s innovation is based on three main pillars:

  • Real-time analysis of trainee’s performance, offering suggestions on corrective actions.
  • Team analysis, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the team as a unit and targeting them through future training.
  • The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence, which analyzes and understands the weak points of learners and focuses on them.

Also read: Operational Synthetic Training Squadron – Simulators built by Air Tactics Centre personnel – Photos According to the company, Mixed Reality technology offers the following advantages:

  • Security: ASCANIO’s training solutions are designed to keep learners safe, no dizziness, no decryption, fully aware of the environment and objects, 100% of the time.
  • Efficiency: By merging real environments with digital assets, allowing complete interactions between them, adding freedom of movement and interactions with the team, training efficiency is maximized.
  • Scalability: The number of trainees, the type of operational field and the number of interactions can vary in accordance with the requirements.

ASCANIO is an example of innovation from Cyprus, offering solutions that are developed domestically and applied worldwide. Assisted by Kinisis Ventures, which can create the appropriate conditions and provide opportunities for development in Cypriot companies, the company’s innovative approach promises to revolutionize training in high-risk occupations and create a future with even more safety and efficiency. ascanio-kinisis Within this context, the company recently hosted Mr. Dimitris Skouridis, Chief Scientist of the Research and Innovation Foundation, together with Mr. Andreas Panagi from Kinisis Ventures Ltd, at its premises.  According to the company, both experienced first-hand cutting-edge Mixed Reality technology by exploring ASCANIO’s different training modules designed for sectors such as the Fire Service, Law Enforcement, and Armed Forces. DEFENCE ReDEFiNED, being a firm supporter of the defence and security ecosystem in Cyprus, stands next to all companies engaged in innovation and providing high-quality products or services related to defence and security. Stay tuned for more. Also read: Realiscape | The modern version of “Train as you fight”



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