DEFEA 2023 | Naval Group’s presence with FDI and Gowind – VIDEOS and Photos
Defence Redefined
Published on 28/06/2023 at 18:19

*Athanasios Tsakalos

Naval Group’s presence at this year’s DEFEA could be summarized as holistic and focused towards the Hellenic Navy. 

Located at Hall 2 / E6H, Naval Group showcased via its representatives the group’s proposals to the Hellenic Navy, practically reinforcing its commitments for a long-term cooperation with the domestic defence industry with the ultimate goal of modernizing the Navy of the country.

In particular, the capabilities of the FDI frigates and the Gowind corvettes were presented extensively, while the Greek-French industrial cooperation was further illustrated through events and contract signings relating to the FDI HN program.

The DEFENCE ReDEFiNED team visited Naval Group’s booth and talked with the company’s officials. In addition, the team was given an interesting presentation of Gowind corvette (relevant video is available at the end of the article).

Naval Group in Greece

With a presence in Greece since 2008, Naval Group has built its reputation on its know-how, experience in ToT (Transfer of Technology) and construction in local shipyards. Thanks to this long-standing presence, the company has been able to identify and establish relationships with many highly specialized and innovative companies in the Greek defence industry as well as with research and academic partners.

The development of Naval Group’s Hellenic Industrial Participation Plan (HIP), as part of the FDI frigates for the Hellenic Navy program, is a significant advantage for Greece in terms of returns, high level and know-how transfer capability to the Greek defence industry.

This project is moving forward, with more than 50 contracts already signed involving 60 Greek partners since the launch of the program in March 2022. It has numerous and lasting positive economic impact on local industry, making possible – in addition to the FDI program – the integration of Greek companies into the supply chain of Naval Group for future French and exports programs.

Naval Group’s tender for the corvette program also includes a strong industrial cooperation plan to ensure financial benefits in Greece of at least 30% of the program value and create hundreds of jobs, while promoting the participation of Greek partners in its international activities.

Also read: Naval Group Hellas | Naval Group’s subsidiary launched in Greece

In this direction, Naval Group announced the official launch of its subsidiary company in Greece, Naval Group Hellas. The incorporation of the company is fully integrated in the process of strengthening the cooperation between the Greek and French industries in the context of Naval Group’s long-term footprint in Greece with the aim to coordinate local industrial activities.

The presence at DEFEA 2023


The FDI (Defence and Intervention Frigate) multi-role frigate integrates state-of-the-art systems around a naval digitally-distributed cloud architecture. This architecture is inherently cyber-secure and compatible with new developments in IT, having high-level capabilities in anti-aircraft, anti-ship, anti-submarine and asymmetric warfare domains.

The first two frigates of the Hellenic Navy are being built in Lorient and will be delivered in 2025. The third will be delivered in 2026. As part of the HIP project, Naval Group’s program includes the construction of blocks of French and Greek frigates in Greece.

In fact, “Kimon”, “Nearchos” and “Formion” will be the names to be given to the three frigates, as announced last year after the Plenary meeting of the Supreme Naval Council.

*4 Χ A50 VLS cells for 32 Aster 30 missiles

The three new frigates that the Hellenic Navy will acquire, with an option for another one (a rather far-fetched scenario due to cost), will be equipped with the advanced SeaFire radar, ASTER 30 anti-aircraft missiles, a 76 mm naval gun and a RAM system (21 missiles) for the completion of anti-aircraft and anti-missile protection of the vessel.

In terms of anti-submarine capabilities, these are considered state-of-the-art, as they include the Combined Active Passive Towed Array Sonar (CAPTAS-4), coupled with the MH-60R anti-submarine helicopters purchased from the US, as well as modern torpedoes. In terms of surface warfare, the ships will carry anti-ship Exocet MM40 Block 3c missiles.


In a discussion with Naval officials about Greek FDI and the discussion around the ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) system of the ship, we were told that the French Navy accepted the delay in its development and its subsequent integration into FDI, since it is a completely new system that will be developed from scratch.

The new system, which will also be manufactured by a French company (probably Thales), will be able to deal with the entire range of threats and will complement the ship’s other systems. Its service in the French Navy is expected to take place in 2-3 years. The Hellenic Navy will have the opportunity to examine the installation of the new ECM close to the time of receipt of the new frigates.

The FDI frigates however, according to the company, will be able to defend against any threat due to the various systems they will carry.

Also read: Ministry of Defence | Study kicks off for the construction of a new naval base in Almyros


The Gowind corvette is Naval Group’s proposal to cover the Hellenic Navy’s requirement to purchase vessels of this type.

According to the officials of the French colossus, any selection of the said surface ship by the Hellenic Navy paves the way for complementarity and interoperability between FDI and Gowind, which can create economies of scale for the Hellenic Navy in areas such as training and maintenance.

*Sonar CAPTAS 4

On this basis, Naval Group and NAFS, -managing company of the Skaramangas Shipyards of shipowner Giorgos Prokopios-, announced at DEFEA 2023 their partnership for the construction of the Gowind corvettes in Greece under the Hellenic Navy’s program. According to the relevant announcement, within the framework of the cooperation of the two parties, the construction of two corvettes and the option right for another one are foreseen.

*MH-60 Seahawk

Also read: Naval Group | Launch of the first corvette Gowind for the UAE

Naval Xplore

Finally, Naval Group marked its presence at the show with Naval Xplore, an interactive, immersive and customizable 3D center in miniature, which showcased the full range of Naval Group products and services.

In particular, in a closed room in the pavilion, visitors had the opportunity to face the complexity of the operational environment of a warship, combined with the variety of threats and the performance of new weapons.

Thanks to operational feedback and continuous investment in R&D (Research & Development), Naval Group has demonstrated through the Naval XPlore experience how Naval Group ships and combat management systems provide intelligent and innovative solutions to meet the needs of naval forces.

Also read: Naval Group | Signing of contracts with 10 Greek companies for the FDI HN program



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