Supreme Joint War College graduation ceremony – 25 Cypriot graduate officers
Defence Redefined
Published on 01/07/2022 at 15:21

The graduation ceremony of the students of Class 19 of the Supreme Joint War College took place today, Friday, July 1, 2022, at the School’s facilities in Thessaloniki.

According to the Ministry of National Defence, a total of 276 Officers graduated: 128 Army Officers, 48 Navy Officers, 65 Air Force Officers, 1 officer of the Joint Corps, 1 of the Hellenic Police, 1 of the Hellenic Coast Guard, 1 of the Fire Service, 25 Officers of the Republic of Cyprus and 6 Officers from other countries (Egypt, Albania, Jordan, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) and the Republic of Northern Macedonia).

The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Minister of National Defence, Mr. Nikolaos Hardalias, the Deputy Chief of the National Defence General Staff, Vice Admiral Ioannis Drymousis, on behalf of the Chief of HNDGS, the Deputy Regional Governor of Transport and Communications, Mr. Socrates Doris, on behalf of the Regional Governor of Central Macedonia, the Authorized Councilor for Civil Protection acts, Mr. Vassilios Moisidis, on behalf of the Mayor of Thessaloniki, His Eminence Archimandrite Ignatius on behalf of His Eminence the Metropolitan of Thessaloniki, representatives of embassies and academic agencies, representatives of Officers of the Armed and Security Forces as well as the graduates’ families.

In his speech, the Deputy Minister of National Defence mentioned, among other things, that through its diverse educational program, the College provided students with specialized knowledge on Joint action and Defence and Security issues, while it also expanded their educational level to critical geopolitical issues, providing strategic analysis of the international and regional geopolitical environment and the possibility of formulating constructive proposals on National Defence and Security issues.

He also referred to the effects of Russian revisionism on the international environment, to the rationality and determination of Greek diplomacy as well as to the importance of multidimensional and multi-layered defence diplomacy, through bilateral, tripartite and multilateral forms of cooperation.

Source: Ministry of National Defence

Also read: Military School of Combat Support Officers Graduation Ceremony – One Cypriot among the graduates



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