EUTM MOZ | Upgrade of the Greek military presence in Mozambique
Defence Redefined
Published on 23/08/2024 at 10:31

The Greek commandos who participated in the European training mission in Mozambique (EUTM MOZ) returned a few days ago to Athens, as Kathimerini reports. 

Soon, however, Special Warfare Command personnel will once again travel to the southeastern coast of Africa, where they will undertake an even more important mission.

In particular, both the political and military leadership approved for Greece to participate in the new European mission in Mozambique, which is being upgraded from a training one to a support mission (EUMAM Mozambique), with Special Warfare Command executives taking on critical roles. The new mission is scheduled to begin on September 1 and end on June 30, 2026.

Last May, within the framework of the EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy, the European Council decided to extend the mission to Mozambique, for which it approved a budget of 14 million euros. The European Council also deemed it appropriate to readjust the mission’s strategic objectives to the new data and upgrade the European military presence in Africa. 

In this direction, officers of the Hellenic Army in collaboration with other European forces will provide advice, guidance and specialized training to support the units of the Quick Reaction Force (QRF) of the Mozambican armed forces. 

According to Kathimerini, the participation of Greek commandos aims to strengthen Greece’s international role and increase its military footprint outside its borders while highlighting the operational capabilities of the Special Warfare Command in a European and international context.

Greece has had a significant presence in Mozambique since 2021, as one of the nine members of the EUTM MOZ deployed in the African country to protect the civilian population and restore security in the province of Cabo Delgado. 

The Greek commandos train the Mozambican army in complex subjects such as counter-terrorism, the protection of civilians, and compliance with international humanitarian law. After all, the humanitarian crisis that has been steadily worsening since 2017 was the reason that encouraged the European Council to approve the deployment of troops to the south-east African country. 

Tuesday 13 August 2024 Repatriation of SWC staff from Mozambique

The repatriation of Special Warfare Command personnel after the completion of the first phase of the European EUTM MOZ mission was undertaken by a C-130H transport aircraft of the Hellenic Air Force. 

The titanic journey, of almost 7,000 kilometers, had Djibouti as an intermediate stop for the refueling of the aircraft and the rest of the crew. The C-130H arrived in Elefsina on August 13, with the Hellenic National Defence General Staff declaring its pride in the participation of the Hellenic armed forces in a related post on “X.”.

Also read: EU | Additional military aid to Mozambique




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