Cyprus | Leadership Development Program for Military Academies’ Cadets
Defence Redefined
Published on 30/08/2024 at 15:57

In the framework of the European Initiative for the implementation of the military Erasmus, the Security and Defence Academy of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus, successfully carried out for the 8th year, the Leadership Skills Development program for students and young officers of Military Academies.

The action hosted in Cyprus was completed in collaboration with the “Theresan” Military Academy of Austria and with the assistance of the General Staff of the National Guard.

The purpose of this program, which was under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College, is to provide training so that each participant can develop the skills required to lead a squad or platoon. In addition, the program aims to improve tactical training via competitive rifle shooting, team endurance competition, orienteering, tactical planning, a 24-hour Mechanized Infantry Platoon exercise, and more.

In total, 14 instructors, 4 observers, and 25 students from 14 Military Academies of 8 Member States of the European Union (Cyprus, Greece, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, and Bulgaria) participated in the program.

The activity was conducted in two distinct phases: The 1st phase took place from August 18 to 23, 2024, and involved the training of trainers (train the trainers). This phase included, among others, rifle shooting, reconnaissance, practical training in leadership, and testing.

The 2nd phase took place from August 26 to 30, 2024, and involved the training of cadets from military academies. This phase included, among others, rifle shooting, group physical training, reconnaissance, and the conduct of a Mechanized Infantry Platoon-level exercise with live ammunition (livex).

The educational program in question, which bears the seal of the Republic of Cyprus since 2015, is part of the Common European Semester implemented by several European Military Academies with the aim of improving the interoperability of the armed forces of the European Union.

The announcement from the Ministry of Defence concludes by stating that, although the Republic of Cyprus does not have military academies, it contributes in practice to the European training programs, which aim to develop a common European culture of security and defence. At the same time, Cyprus leads a number of activities of the European Security and Defence College, such as the initiative in the context of the military Erasmus.

With information from: Ministry of Defence

Also read: GEEF | Austrian Students of “THERESEAN ACADEMY” take part in activities of the National Guard




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