Cyprus – Jordan Bilateral Defence Cooperation
Defence Redefined
Published on 14/02/2023 at 19:00

On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, the Bilateral Defence Cooperation Program 2023 was signed at the Headquarters of the National Guard General Staff (GEEF) between the National Guard and the Armed Forces of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. On behalf of the National Guard, the Program was signed by the Director of the 4th branch of GEEF, Colonel Loukas Hatzikonstantas, and by Brigadier Youssef Al-Khatib, on behalf of the Jordanian Armed Forces.

As part of the delegation’s presence at GEEF, the Chief of the National Guard, Lieutenant General Demokritos Zervakis, had a meeting with Brigadier Al-Khatib, where the actions entailed in the above Program and matters of wider interest were discussed.

The program includes, among others, the conduct of joint exercises and activities both in Cyprus and Jordan. Through such actions, the military cooperation between the Armed Forces of the two countries is further strengthened. At the same time, the program reflects the broad network of bilateral and multilateral actions developed by the National Guard, in accordance with the directions of the Ministry of Defence, which promote security and stability in the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond.

Source: GEEF

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