Lieutenant General Evangelia Andreadaki lost her life on Sunday, September 17, 2023, while on duty, participating in a humanitarian aid mission in Libya…

By a Presidential Decree signed on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at the proposal of the Minister of National Defence, and following the recommendation of the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff and a decision of the Council of Chiefs of Staff, the highest rank is awarded to the following Officers who lost their lives while on duty:
- The rank of Rear Admiral to the Hellenic Navy’s Vice Admiral Glykeria Memekidou (AM: YN-232).
- The rank of Air-Vice Marshall to Squadron Leader Evangelia Andreadakis (AM: 63908).
Also, by a Presidential Decree signed on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at the proposal of the Minister of National Defence, and following a decision of the competent Army Crisis Council, the rank of Colonel is awarded to Sergeant Major Georgios Voulgaris (AM: MY 21150) who lost his life during his service that involved higher risk.
Also read: Crete | Last farewell to Christos Moulas
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