Turkey | The leadership of the armed forces remains unchanged
Defence Redefined
Published on 02/08/2024 at 13:17

The meeting of the Supreme Military Council of Turkey, chaired by the president of the country, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ended without changes in the administrations of the three branches of the Turkish Armed Forces.

The expected change in the leadership of the Turkish Navy, where admiral Erzumed Tatlioglu completes this year the statutory two years of stay, did not take place in the end and his term was extended for an additional year. 

Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Kadir Yildiz is promoted to admiral.

As expected, there was no change at the top of the armed forces, where General Metin Gyurak remains for the second year as Chief of the General Staff, but also in the leadership of the Turkish Army and the Turkish Air Force, where General Selcuk Bayraktaroglu and Air Force General Ziya Cemal Candioglu also took over duties last year.

Source: AMNA

Also read: Turkey | Severes trade relations with Israel




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