Turkey | Release of propaganda documentary in response to the Famagusta series
Defence Redefined
Published on 06/09/2024 at 08:29

The provocations of Turkey continue on the occasion of Netflix’s screening of the series Famagusta, which has to do with the invasion of Cyprus in 1974. 

In fact, the Ministry of Defence created a documentary to mark the 50th anniversary of the invasion of Cyprus, in order to respond to the MEGA series that has caused reactions in Turkey, speaking of “Greek Cypriot terrorists” and “real and painful truths and not fabricated stories”.

“Instead of the fictional series that shows disrespect to the sacred memory of our Turkish Cypriot brothers who Greek Cypriot terrorists ruthlessly massacred, we invite the whole world to watch “The 50th Anniversary Documentary” produced by our Ministry. 

With English subtitles, this film tells the real and painful truths of what really happened, not made-up stories,” reads the Ministry of Defence message on X (formerly Twitter) about the propaganda documentary.

Rum teröristler tarafından acımasızca katledilen Kıbrıs Türkü kardeşlerimizin aziz hatıralarına büyük saygısızlık içeren hayal ürünü bir diziyi değil; Bakanlığımızın hazırladığı, uydurma senaryolar yerine tamamen yaşanmış gerçeklerin anlatıldığı “50’nci Yıl Belgeseli”ni İngilizce alt yazılı olarak da izleyebilirsiniz.

It is recalled that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey had officially positioned itself for “Famagusta,” characterizing it as a “series of black propaganda.”

Also read: Turkish-occupied Cyprus | Reactions to the broadcasting of the series “Famagusta” by Netflix 




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