The PSARA Frigate returned from the Red Sea – VIDEO and Photos
Defence Redefined
Published on 22/09/2024 at 14:44

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, the PSARA frigate sailed to the Salamis Naval Station, ending its participation in the European operation EUNAVFOR ASPIDES. 

After the mooring of the PFARA Frigate at the Salamina Naval Station, the Chief of General Staff, Vice Admiral Dimitrios Eleftherios Kataras PN, boarded the ship accompanied by the Fleet Commander, Vice Admiral Polychronis Koulouris PN, and welcomed the Governor as well as the crew of the Frigate, congratulating them on the successful completion of the shipment.

The PSARA Frigate will be replaced by the SPETSAI Frigate, which will depart within days for the Red Sea as part of the ASPIDES Operation of the European Union.

Source: Hellenic Navy, ERT

Also read: Operation ASPIDES | A French destroyer rescued 29 sailors from the Sounion oil tanker




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