Qatar – Turkey | Joint Air Force Squadron with F-16 and Rafale
Defence Redefined
Published on 27/08/2024 at 17:27

Turkey and Qatar have formed a joint Squadron, which will consist of Turkish F-16 fighter jets and Qatari Rafale fighter jets.

As announced by the Ministry of Defence of Qatar, today, Tuesday, August 27, 2024, the mixed Squadron will be under the Command of the Joint Forces of Qatar.

قائد القوات الجوية التركية يزور السرب المشترك القطري التركي

Air Chief Marshal Ziya Cemal Kadioglu, Commander of the Turkish Air Force, announced during his official visit to the Dukhan Air Base in Qatar.

As seen in the video below released by the Turkish Ministry of Defence, the Turkish Air Chief Marshal met with his Qatari counterpart, supervised work on the base from which the Turkish fighter aircraft will operate, and flew in an F-16, accompanied by Air Force fighters of Qatar.

Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı Hava Orgeneral Ziya Cemal Kadıoğlu; Katar Türk Birleşik Müşterek Kuvvet Komutanlığı bünyesinde yeni teşkil edilen Hava Unsur Komutanlığı daimî konuşlanması sonrasında Katar’a ziyaret gerçekleştirdi. Orgeneral Kadıoğlu, ilk uçuşu Katar Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı Tümgeneral Jassim Mohammed Ahmad Al-Mannai ile yaptı.

As part of the joint Squadron, the Turkish Air Force will conduct joint trainings with the Qatari Rafales, thus having the opportunity to learn everything about the French-made 4++ generation fighter aircraft, which the Hellenic Air Force also has in its arsenal.

Also read: France | First Rafale F4.1 fighter aircraft reaches initial operational capability




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