Northrop Grumman | CBAD with the integration of Bushmaster Chain Guns
Defence Redefined
Published on 07/08/2024 at 13:00

Northrop Grumman announced that it is further developing its Cannon-Based Air Defense (CBAD) concept.

This new development refers to the employment of the medium-caliber Bushmaster 30 mm Chain Guns with the aim to affordably defeat incoming threats ranging from large aerial raids of cruise missiles to swarms of unmanned aerial systems.

Offering to the user different rates of fire – single shot, burst, fully automatic with 200 rounds per minute, the Bushmaster Chain Guns shall neutralize targets in an operational range of up to 4 km with advanced and guided ammunition, which will incorporate proximity fuzes. 

Also read: Rheinmetall | Order for the supply of Skyguard 3 air defence systems

In addition to these, the CBAD concept integrates sensors, battle management command and control, and effectors to provide scalable, cost-effective, and resilient terminal defence in combination with existing, highly-mobile and deployable platforms. 

CBAD seeks to leverage proven technology of guided ammunition and cannons in order to take advantage of the high rate of fire and effective magazine depth against saturation attacks.

In the following article, you can read more about this emerging air defence feature, which will complement the architecture of a multi-layered air defence at its terminal phase, that is, the close air defence.

Also read: Northrop Grumman | CBAD – Multilayered air defence with new-generation anti-aircraft projectiles




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