National Guard | Dozens of Officer promotions – Positions and ranks
Defence Redefined
Published on 09/05/2022 at 15:56

According to information on our page, following a decision of the Minister of Defence, dozens of vacancies for Officers have been filled with effect from today.

The positions are as follows: 

Officers of all branches (Army, Navy, Air Force, Joint Corps)

  • 16 Arms Lieutenant Colonels in the rank of Colonel 
  • 2 Corps Lieutenant Colonels in the rank of Colonel
  • 2 Commanders in the rank of Captain
  • 2 Wing Commanders in the rank of Group Captain
  • 23 Arms Majors in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
  • 3 Corps Majors in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
  • 2 Lieutenant Commanders in the rank of Captain
  • 9 Squadron Leaders in the rank of Wing Commander
  • 31 Arms Captains in the rank of Major
  • 3 Corps Captains in the rank of Major
  • 1 Lieutenant in the rank of Lieutenant Commander
  • 7 Flight Lieutenants in the rank of Squadron Leader
  • 4 Joint Corps Captains in the rank of Major
  • 1 Captain Office Officer in the rank of Major
  • 33 Arms Lieutenants in the rank of Captain
  • 2 Corps Lieutenants in the rank of Captain
  • 2 Sub Lieutenants in the rank of Lieutenant 
  • 7 Flying Lieutenants in the rank of Flight Lieutenant
  • 2 Joint Corps Lieutenants in the rank of Captain
  • 1 Lieutenant Office Officer in the rank of Captain
  • 17 Arms Second Lieutenants in the rank of Lieutenant
  • 3 Corps Second Lieutenants in the rank of Lieutenant
  • 3 Midshipmen in the rank of Sub Lieutenant
  • 5 Pilot Officers in the rank of Flying Officer
  • 1 Joint Corps Second Lieutenants in the rank of Lieutenant 

At this point, it should be noted that there have already been 7 other promotions, one of which concerns the rank of Major General and the other 6 the rank of Brigadier. Also, some other promotions for both Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) are expected to follow until the end of the year.

Also read: Ministry of Defence | Positions allocation in Higher Military Educational Institutions and Higher Military Academies of Non-Commissioned Officers of Greece for the academic year 2022-2023




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