Letter condemning Turkish military actions | Cypriots and Greeks among the members
Defence Redefined
Published on 21/07/2020 at 12:56

A letter from 70 MEPs from all political parties, except the far right, was sent to the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. The letter condemns Turkey’s provocative actions and military action and is calling for targeted action against transgressors.

Regarding Turkey’s stance in the Mediterranean and its military action in invading and bombing Kurdish-populated areas in northern Iraq and northern Syria, MEPs point out that “in the face of so much aggression, even towards the EU itself, we cannot remain passive”, stressing that “the Commission must not tolerate these unacceptable actions against all the democratic rules of national and international law.”

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In this context, the co-signatories of the letter request: “to take action against the extremely authoritarian regime created by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the help of his supranationalist allies and in emergency situations, and to take fines and as well as immediate and concrete measures to help end the bombings, the systematic and organized repression inside Turkey and the attacks on international law.”

The whole letter follows:

“Your Excellency High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell

With this letter we want to draw your attention to the repression of the democratic opposition in Turkey, in particular the imprisonment of members and mayors of the pro-Kurdish HDP party, the invasion and bombing of northern Iraq and northern Syria, especially in areas inhabited by Kurds.

For the past five years, President Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has, with the help of its supranationalist allies, created an extremely authoritarian political system in emergencies. Throughout this process, more than 90,000 people have been arrested on terrorism charges. Among those arrested are party leaders, members of parliament, elected Kurdish mayors, thousands of supporters and members of the pro-Kurdish HDP party, journalists, academics, lawyers, civil society representatives and human rights activists. According to its popular tactics, the government characterizes anyone who criticizes its policies, especially those regarding its policy towards the Kurds, as a terrorist or a traitor and an enemy of the state. The “Turkish-style presidential system” has completely undermined the principle of separation of powers and an independent judiciary.

Αlso read: Josep Borell in Cyprus for the Turkish challenges and the EU-Turkish relations

The Turkish government’s illegal attacks are not simply directed against parliamentary democracy. Supporters of the pro-Kurdish HDP party and deputy mayors have been illegally removed from their posts and replaced by appointed “government administrators”. Since the March 31, 2019 elections, the government has illegally confiscated 46 of the 65 municipalities governed by the ‘People’s Democratic Party’ (HDP). The European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) published its opinion (No. 979/2019) on 18 June, stating that such actions are incompatible with the basic principles of democracy, the rule of law and the predictability of the law.

We would also like to express our grave concern about the ongoing Turkish airstrikes in the Sinjar and UNHCR Mahmur camps, as well as the attacks that began on 14 June in other parts of the country, such as South Kurdistan (Kurdistan region in Iraq) and the drone strike in Kombani (Kurdish region of Syria). In both attacks, many civilians were either killed or seriously injured.

As of June 17, 2020, the Turkish army, backed by aircraft and helicopters that have hit more than 150 targets, has begun moving ground forces into the Kurdistan region of Iraq. This Turkish military action destabilizes the region, exacerbates humanitarian suffering and provides fertile ground for the re-emergence of terrorist groups, which will greatly undermine the progress made against ISIS. In addition, ongoing airstrikes could lead to the displacement of more people, forcing them to seek asylum in various parts of Europe’s neighboring countries.

Turkey is a member of NATO, a member of the Council of Europe and a candidate country for EU membership. The Commission must not tolerate these unacceptable actions against all democratic rules of national and international law. We call on you to take action against the authoritarian regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The EU is also facing war in the Mediterranean from Turkey to the point of confrontation with European ships belonging to the French Navy.

In the face of so much aggression, even towards the EU itself, we cannot remain passive.

We would like to ask the Commission to take financial and targeted sanctions as well as immediate and concrete measures to help end the bombings, repression and attacks on international law.”

Also read: Request for the National Council meeting regarding the move of 4,000 Turkish soldiers in the occupied areas

Co-signing MEPs:

ALFONSI Francois, France – Greens / EFA, ANDROULAKIS Nikos, Greece – S&D, ARVANITIS Konstantinos, Greece – GUE / NGL, AUKEN Margrete, Denmark – Greens / EFA, BARRENA Pernando, Spain – GUE / NGL, BELLAMY François-X EPP, BENIFEI Brando, Italy – S&D, BIEDROŃ Robert, Poland – S&D, BILBAO BARANDICA Izaskun, Spain – Renew, BITEAU Benoit, France – Greens / EFA, BJÖRK Malin, Sweden – GUE / NGL, BOMPUE , BOURGEOIS Geert, Belgium – ECR, BUSCHMANN Martin, Germany – NA, CAREME Damien, France – Greens / EFA, CASTALDO Fabio Massimo, Italy – NA, CHAIBI Leila, France – GUE / NGL, CHRISTOFOROU Lefteris, Cyprus – EPP OLIVERES Antoni, Spain – NA, CORMAND David, France – Greens / EFA, CORRAO Ignazio, Italy – NA, D`AMATO Rosa, Italy – NA, DELBOS-CORFIELD Gwendoline, France – Greens / EFA, DELLI Karima, France – Greens / EFA, DONATH Anna, Hungary – Renew, DURAND Pascal, France – Renew, FAJON Tanja, Slovenia – S&D, FOURLAS Loucas, Cyprus – EPP, GEORGOULIS Alexis, Greece – GUE / NGL, GRUFFAT Claude, France – Greens / EFA, GUSMÃO José, Portugal – GUE / NGL, GUTELAND Jytte, Sweden – S&D, HEIDE Hannes, Austria – S&D, INCIR Evin, Sweden – S&D, JADOT France / EFA, KAILI Eva, Greece – S&D, KANKO Assita, Belgium – ECR, KARLSBRO Karin, Sweden – Renew, KONEČNÁ Kateřina, Czech Republic – GUE / NGL, KOUNTOURA Elena, Greece – GUE / NGL, KUHNKE Alice, Σου , LOISEAU Nathalie, France – Renew, MAJORINO Pierfrancesco, Italy – S&D, MATIAS Marisa, Portugal – GUE / NGL, MAVRIDES Costas, Cyprus – S&D, PAPADAKIS Demetris, Cyprus – S&D, PAPADIMOULIS Dimitrios, Greece – GUE Sophie, France – GUE / NGL, PETER-HANSEN Kira, Denmark – Greens / EFA, PISAPIA Giuliano, Italy- S&D, PONSATI Clara, Spain – NA, PUIGDEMONT Carles, Spain – NA, REGNER Evelyn, Austria, G & Austria Diana, Spain – Greens / EFA, RIVASI Michèle, France – Greens / EFA, ROOSE Caroline, France – Greens / EFA, SANTOS Isabel, Portugal – S&D, SATOURI Mounir, France – Greens / E FA, SCHIEDER Andreas, Austria – S&D, SIDL Guenther, Austria – S&D, SMERIGLIO Massimiliano, Italy – S&D, TOUSSAINT Marie, France – Greens / EFA, URBAN CRESPO Miguel, Spain – GUE / NGL, VELD OVR, VEL OVR, VANA Monika, Austria – Greens / EFA, VILLANUEVA RUIZ Idoia, Spain – GUE / NGL, VILLUMSEN Nikolaj, Denmark – GUE / NGL, YENBOU Salima, France – Greens / EFA, ZACHAROPOULOU Chrysoula, France – Renew, Greece, Renew / EFA

Source: CNA





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