HCDI | 1st Innovation Action
Defence Redefined
Published on 09/09/2024 at 15:21

As part of its launch, the Hellenic Center for Defence Innovation (HCDI S.A.) announced its first Innovation Action.

The aim is to mobilize the productive forces of the country by highlighting new, original, and innovative ideas/proposals based on new technologies, which highlight innovation as a competitive advantage, while simultaneously highlighting the possibilities of collaborative forms. 

Those with an interest can select from two thematic sections related to:

  1. System presentation, with the aim of real-time identification of various types of vehicles of interest (sea, land, and air), regardless of viewing angle, using data from sensors operating in the electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) spectrum.
  2. Platform presentation for managing unmanned systems, whether individual or organized in a swarm. By management, it is understood the ability to monitor operational parameters and manage the operational mission and communication link.

HCDI invites the Greek Innovation Ecosystem (research bodies, start-ups, defence industry companies, and other financial bodies) to participate with its innovative and disruptive ideas.

At HCDI, they support and recognize innovation as a key component for strengthening economic activity and gaining a competitive advantage for Greek businesses.

Learn more about the 1st Innovation Action here.

Also read: SEKPY | All gray areas in Ministry of National Defence bill for HCDI




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