HASDIG | Dimitrios Skalaios is the new chairman of the new Board of Directors
Defence Redefined
Published on 17/05/2024 at 08:42

The Annual General Meeting of the members of the Hellenic Aerospace, Defence & Security Industry Group (HASDIG) was held on Monday, May 13, 2024.

During the meeting, and following a proposal by the outgoing Chairman, Mr. Nikolaos Papatsas, the new chairman of the Board of Directors of HASDIG, Mr. Dimitrios Skalaios (Appointed Advisor of the Hellenic Aerospace Industry, responsible for financial matters and the operational restructuring of the company) was held.

The new Board of Directors was constituted as follows:

  • Dimitrios Skalaios (HELLENIC AEROSPACE INDUSTRY SA): Chairman
  • Nikolaos Papatsas (THEON SENSORS): Vice Chairman
  • Dimitrios Karantzavelos (SCYTALYS): Secretary
  • Konstantinos Ligas (ELMON): Treasurer
  • Nikolaos Kostopoulos (HELLENIC DEFENCE SYSTEMS – EAS): Member
  • Georgios Troullinos (INTRACOM DEFENCE): Member
  • Dimitris Dimitriou (MILTECH): Member
  • Christos Giordamlis (PRISMA ELECTRONICS): Member
  • Nikolaos Kemos (ELFON): Member
  • Alternate members:
  • Evangelos Veronikiatis (TERRA SPATIUM): 1st Alternate Member
  • Konstantinos Psaradellis (NK TRAILERS): 2nd Alternate Member

The members and the new Board of Directors express their thanks to the outgoing Chairman, Mr. Nikolaos Papatsas, for his multi-year, consistent and multi-level contribution to the strengthening of HASDIG in the field of aerospace, defence and security, stating they are committed to continue working with the same energy and consistency.

Also read: World Defence Show 2024 | Dynamic participation of the Hellenic Aerospace Security & Defence Industries Group (HASDIG)

The outgoing Chairman and current Vice Chairman of HASDIG, Mr. Nikolaos Papatsas, said: “I would like to congratulate the new Board of Directors and wish them all the best in the work they are undertaking. Further, I would like to thank the outgoing members for the excellent cooperation we have had all these years as well as for the efforts we have been making in order to highlight the potential and prospects of the Hellenic Defence Industry (HDI) both in Greece and abroad.

HASDIG contributed the most to HDI’s extroversion by signing 4 International Memoranda of Understanding with Cyprus, Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Ukraine, participating in 13 International Exhibitions, organizing Greek national pavilions in 6 of them, with its presence in 22 International and Domestic Events and Conferences as well as by constantly informing its members about the opportunities presented in international research and industrial programs.

Also read: HASDIG | Strengthening of the Hellenic Defence Industry through EDF’s European research programs and international collaborations

Since 2021, HASDIG has welcomed, applying strict acceptance criteria, 23 new member companies, expanding in quantitative and qualitative terms the HDI companies it represents, thus integrating companies with real activities in the field of aerospace, defence and security.

With substantial interventions, HASDIG also highlighted to the State the needs of the domestic defence industry, submitting a series of constructive and substantiated proposals for its essential enhancement.”

The newly-elected Chairman of HASDIG, Mr.Dimitrios Skalaios, addressing the new Board of Directors, thanked for the trust in him, pointing out that he will work systematically for the positive transformation of the Hellenic defence industry.

“We have many great challenges, but also opportunities ahead of us. We move forward united and committed to our goal: to defend the achievements of the domestic defence industry. I envision a Union that is large, united, economically strong, outward-looking, functional and productive, with a strong and reliable voice in international fora, with the conviction that the past and present of our defence industry prescribes and guarantees its brilliant future.

My fundamental principle is the effort to institutionally represent the interests of all, small and large defence companies, maximizing the benefits for the sector and the national economy.”

Also read: HASDIG – NAUDI | MoU signed for cooperation at the World Defence Show 2024




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