HAI | Hellenic Air Force’s C-130 aircraft returned to operational service
Defence Redefined
Published on 30/07/2024 at 18:02

The Hellenic Aerospace Industry (HAI) announced that it has returned the C-130 transport aircraft of the Hellenic Air Force to full operational operation.

The latter collided on July 21, 2024, with a pole at Kefalonia airport, causing damage to the right wing of the aircraft and a fuel leak.

HAI reports that with a high sense of responsibility, always responding to the calls of the Hellenic Air Force wherever and whenever needed, it sent experienced and specialized personnel to Kefalonia airport, who temporarily repaired the damaged wing in one day, so as to make the C-130 airworthy and cable of flying back to Tanagra for final repair.

The announcement of the HAI in detail:

“On July 24, the aircraft arrived safely at HAI, where the company’s staff, showing professionalism and responsibility, managed to deliver it fully repaired within just 6 days (30/7), thus achieving, with hard work and overtime, the realization of an important work package.

These consist of the removal of the temporary repair, the completion of all the prescribed non-destructive inspections (NDI) of the affected structural areas, and the restoration of all structural findings (web, ribs, hinges, angles) either by constructing new ones or by installing easy-to-use ones, as well as of replacing all damaged quorums with usable ones.

HAI, realizing the importance of the role of C-130 aircraft both in the Defense of the country and in the wider society, with missions of air transport, search, rescue, humanitarian aid transport, etc., always stands by the Hellenic Air Force and proves it in essence. 

The Hellenic Aerospace Industry feels the obligation to publicly thank its staff for their prompt response to duty, their expertise and their know-how.”

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