Germany | Plan for the defence reform of the country
Defence Redefined
Published on 22/07/2024 at 18:33

The German government is drafting a document aimed at overhauling the country’s defence industry, a spokesman of the Ministry of Finance said on Sunday, without elaborating.

The government is working on the strategy document to modernize the defence and security industry and it is being developed in several departments, the spokesman said, confirming an earlier Handelsblatt report.

Handelsblatt reported that the strategy document would include clauses that would allow the construction of weapon systems factories in Germany to be quickly approved, including shortening deadlines and limiting the possibility of objections from citizens’ initiatives.

Germany’s tripartite coalition plans to adopt the document in August, Handelsblatt reported.

News of the renewed defence modernization push comes shortly after German defence firm Rheinmetall and the Italian peer Leonardo agreed earlier this month to form a joint venture to produce tanks and other ground defence systems.

Also read: KNDS and LEONARDO | Strategic alliance for future combat platforms and Leopard 2A8




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