DEFEA 2023 | Drones, electronic warfare systems, UGVs, security systems and much more at the Cyprus booth
Defence Redefined
Published on 10/05/2023 at 15:48

Cyprus’ booth at the international defence exhibition DEFEA 2023 in Athens has a dynamic presence proving the upward development path followed by the defence industry in Cyprus in recent years.

Six Cypriot companies, members of the Cypriot Association of Research and Innovation Companies (CARIE), are participating at the booth of the Ministry of Defence: SignalGenerix, CyRIC, Celloc, ADDITESS, AmaDema and Encorp.

SignalGeneriX presented the “frequency hunter” RF Hunter and for the first time presented at an exhibition the airborne version of the system on a drone with the ability to detect lower frequencies.

CyRIC presented the Goliath quadcopter armed with the Dragonflyer-81 and Dragonflyer-60 gliding vehicles as well as the First Responder unmanned vehicle fitted with a new improved optical sensor.

Cellock showcased the portable command and control system ZEUS-Portable C2 ZEUS, which uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and augmented reality technologies.

ADDITESS introduced the command, control and coordination system ADD-C3 System, which manages a large amount of information for border protection operations.

AmaDema presented its innovative solutions using nanotechnology in synthetic fabrics, external and internal parts for drones and armor.

Encorp showcased the dummies of the mobile command and control center as well as the mobile communications center. Furthermore, the company presented the portable anti-drone system developed in the framework of the “Drone Eye” project.

Detailed articles with analyses and photographs relating to the participation of the Cypriot companies in DEFEA 2023 will follow.

Also read: CARIE | Participation in the European Network of Defence-related Regions (ENDR)



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