Breaking News | Government resigns in Afghanistan – Taliban take power
Defence Redefined
Published on 15/08/2021 at 13:58

A while ago, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid confirmed that talks were underway with the presidential cabinet regarding a peaceful transfer of power. The head of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation, Abdullah Abdullah, is the convener.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani will step down in the next few hours and hand over power to an interim government under the Taliban.

Power will be transferred peacefully without a fight, according to the Afghan Ministry of Interior, which says citizens should not worry, the city is safe, and any unrest in the city will be dealt with lawfully. In fact, it was stressed that the security of the city is guaranteed and there will be no attack on the city, as it has been agreed that the transfer of power will take place peacefully.

In addition, it is reported that President Ashraf Ghani met with politicians and instructed them to set up a delegation that will travel to Doha on Monday to reach a final agreement with the Taliban.

Source: Al Arabiya

Also read: Afghanistan | The Taliban capture 10th regional capital and US weaponry


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