Velos Rotors | The V3 UAS operational in Malaysia for sustainable development and environmental purposes
Defence Redefined
Published on 24/08/2024 at 18:23

Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), a Malaysian utility company, made strategic advancements by employing RIEGL’s LiDAR sensor VUX-120 into their operations using Velos Rotors V3 Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for the selection of transmission line routes.

Specifically, one of TNB’s current challenges involves the selection of new transmission line routes through forest reserves that harbour endangered species and wildlife habitats, requiring coordination with the Malaysian Forestry Department and Department of Wildlife. 

Compliance with strict guidelines from these authorities is crucial to avoid delays and additional costs associated with rerouting the Right-of-Way (ROW) due to encounters with endangered species during initial surveys.

Recognizing the potential of UASs equipped with LiDAR technology in surveying, TNB conducted a Proof-of-Concept (POC) in an effort to conduct Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations. As such, TNB integrated the VUX-120 into the V3 UAS, enabling daily operations that consistently deliver data meeting their stringent operational and project-specific requirements.

This specialised configuration facilitates high-altitude scans of power lines and corridor scanning projects, ensuring comprehensive data collection and adherence to environmental regulations.

You can read more on Velos Rotors V3 UAS in the following article.

Also read: VELOS ROTORS | Velos V3 UAS introduced as ideal example of dual-use systems




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