Military Academies | Number of admissions for academic year 2024 – 2025
Defence Redefined
Published on 09/06/2024 at 09:59

The joint decision of the competent Ministries of National Economy and Finance, National Defence and Education, Religion and Sports regarding the number of admissions to the Higher Military Educational Institutions (ASEI), the Officers Military Academy (SSAS) and the Non-Commissioned Officers nHigher Military Academy (ASSY) for the academic year 2024-2025 has been published in the Official Gazette of the Republic.


  • 379 are admitted to the Hellenic Military Academy compared to 309 last year.
  • 95 are admitted to the Naval Cadet School compared to 70 last year.
  • 160 are admitted to the Hellenic Air Force Academy compared to 150 last year.
  • 171 are admitted to the Officers Military Academy compared to 133 last year.
  • 66 are admitted to the Nursing Officers Academy compared to 45 last year.
  • 301 are admitted to the Non-Commissioned Officers Military Academy compared to 280 last year.
  • 190 are admitted to the Naval Petty Officer Academy compared to 163 last year.
  • 195 are admitted to the Non-Commissioned Air Officers Military Academy compared to 185 last year.

Read HERE the relevant document in detail.

Also read: Ministry of Defence | Measures approved for the modernization of the institution of Contracted Soldiers



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