Slovakia | Showcase of the domestically produced self-propelled mortar launcher AM-120
Defence Redefined
Published on 17/05/2024 at 19:33

Slovakia introduced the self-propelled mortar launcher 120 mm AM-120 (Automatic Mortar 120 mm).

Defence Minister Robert Kalinak presented the system during the country’s defence exhibition IDEB, which took place on May 14-16 in the city of Handlova.

According to the manufacturers, the AM-120 can fire 20 rounds per minute, a rate that makes it one of the fastest launchers of all in Europe, with an operational range of over 8 km.

The turret is supplied by Slovakian company ZTS Special and designed for 6×6 vehicles. The Tatra 815-7 6×6 chassis is supplied by the Czech company Excalibur Army, while the Lansys fire control system is a product of the private Slovak company Kerametal.

Also read: 120 mm RT61 Mortars | The heavy mortars of the National Guard

The AM-120 can carry 60 rounds, meaning its entire payload could be fired within minutes and then quickly moved to avoid enemy fire (shoot-and-scoot).

Slovakia’s AM-120 competes with the self-propelled mortar launcher of Patria Group’s 120 mm NEMO mortars, a system you can learn more about below.

Also read: Patria | Delivery of NEMO Navy mortar systems to the Swedish Amphibious Forces




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