AAROK | The impressive MALE UCAV of the French company Turgis & Gaillard
Defence Redefined
Published on 06/07/2023 at 18:05

At this year’s Paris Air Show in Le Bourget, the French company Turgis & Gaillard presented Aarok, an Unmanned System, which sparked interest among the public.

It is a MALE-class (Medium Altitude, Long Endurance) propeller-driven UAV, designed since inception to carry a payload of heavy weapons (guided bombs and air-to-ground missiles) for strike missions as well as a suite of sensors (surveillance/observation equipment and radar) for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions. Additionally, the system has the capability to conduct electronic warfare (EW) as an electronic warfare pod carrier.

The UCAV Aarok also features an automatic landing system operating from short runways, while incorporating two types (LOS and BLOS) of data link terminals. It also features a satellite connection (SATCOM).

Further, electro-optical equipment (optronics) like Euroflir 610 Gimbal from Safran Electronics & Defense can be installed in the system (the sensor system in question has also been developed for the Eurodrone program), which incorporates an electro-optical (EO) camera, a high-resolution infrared camera, a laser rangefinder and a laser designator, as well as an on-board automatic target identification system.

In addition to all these, the system can carry an additional second sensor in the form of a radar for maritime surveillance and terrain mapping missions, making the Aarok a multi-role UAV. Alternatively, there is provision for the installation of other types of electronic equipment such as electronic signal interception systems (SIGINT/ELINT). In fact, the company emphasizes that the system can also operate as a potential Airborne Communications Node.

In terms of payload, its external carriers can be equipped with two 500 kg guided bombs or four 250 kg guided bombs (such as AASM guided bombs), while armament with up to 16 smaller air-to-ground missiles has also been planned.

Being bigger than its peer antagonist Reaper, the UCAV in question has the following technical characteristics:

  • Maximum take-off weight: 5,500 kg
  • Wingspan: 22 meters
  • Engine: 1,200 hp
  • Fuselage length: 14 meters
  • Payload: 1,500 kg
  • Endurance: 24 hours with armament / 30 hours without armament

According to the company, the prototype was presented for the first time as part of the exhibition, whereas its development phase had already been completed. Currently, the manufacturers are planning to have the system perform its maiden flight test by the end of the year.

Also read: War in Ukraine | The Cypriot H10 Poseidon UAV on the front line – VIDEO




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