HNDGS | Participation of the Hellenic Armed Forces in Transnational Exercise “ADRION 23” – Photos
Defence Redefined
Published on 23/06/2023 at 18:15

From Tuesday 13 to Friday 16 June 2023, the Hellenic Armed Forces took part in the transnational LIVEX-CAX (Live Exercise – Computer Assisted Exercise) exercise “ADRION 23”, organized by the Italian Navy. The exercise took place in the wider area of ​​the Gulf of Taranto in Italy.

This is another international collaboration of the Hellenic Armed Forces in the context of the wider planning of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (HNDGS) and, based on implementing the “Adriatic and Ionian Initiative” (AIP), it was completed with utter success, contributing to the increase of combat capability and the improvement of interoperability between the participating naval forces of the AIP Countries.

According to a relevant announcement, the Hellenic Armed Forces participated in “ADRION 23” with the KARATHANASIS Fast Attack Missile ship, with personnel at the Exercise’s Operations Center on the Italian ITS GREKALE F-541 frigate as well as a Mobile Training Group of the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre.

Besides the Hellenic Armed forces, the exercise involved Naval Units from Albania, Italy, and Croatia as well as personnel from Montenegro and Slovenia.

During the exercise, complex operational objects were executed, as below:

  • Naval Advanced Maneuvers;
  • Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO);
  • Operational training in Visit Board Search and Seizure;
  • Composition and exchange of tactical image, as well as communications objects;
  • Onboard Supply drills;
  • Surface fire training courses;
  • Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS);
  • Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX);
  • Force Protection (FP).

On Friday, June 16, 2023, the Distinguished Visitors Day (DV Day) of the exercise took place on the Italian ITS GREKALE F-541 frigate at the port of Taranto, which was attended by the Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet Headquarters, Commodore Georgios Aggouras.

During the DV Day, the invited guests were informed about the conduct of the exercise and toured the premises of the Operations Center.

Also read: National Guard | Exercise “NIKITIS-DIMITRA 2023” currently taking place across Cyprus




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