Poland | Fortifies border with Kaliningrad
Defence Redefined
Published on 30/04/2023 at 16:24

During his visit to northern Poland, the country’s Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, announced the construction of a fence along the Polish border with the Kaliningrad enclave.

Kaliningrad is a Russian enclave, a small area between Poland and Lithuania.

According to the plan of the Polish government, the border will be manned by new military units and armed with modern military equipment.

Poland will take appropriate protection measures along the entire border strip, both physical and electronic, thus creating a security perimeter, also strengthening the presence of border guards of all services. This presence has already been strengthened, but will continue accordingly, according to the Polish Prime Minister.

Poland’s government fears that the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad could be used as a transit point for illegal immigrants to Europe. There are also fears of an armed attack on Polish soil.

Source: Euronews

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