BATTLEFIELD ReDEFiNED 2023 | ADDITESS and AmaDema sign Memorandum of Cooperation
Defence Redefined
Published on 10/02/2023 at 19:05

During the first International Defence and Security Conference BATTLEFIELD ReDEFiNED 2023, CEO of AmaDema, Dr. Vassilis Drakonakis, and CEO of ADDITESS, Mr. Nikolaos Koutras, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation for the joint production of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

AmaDema – Advanced Materials Design & Manufacturing Ltd, a company with extensive expertise in the design and manufacturing of advanced composite and nanocomposite materials, and ADDITESS – Advanced Integrated Technology Solutions & Services Ltd, a company with substantial experience in the development of specialized software applications in command and control operations, join expertise and human resources in order to develop new innovative systems.

The first step has already been taken two months ago with the submission of a joint project within the Call Dual Use of the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation.

The second and more concrete step was taken in the framework of the International Defence and Security Conference BATTLEFIELD ReDEFiNED 2023 with the signing of a relevant Memorandum of Cooperation between ADDITESS and AMADEMA to start the activities and processes of the aforementioned innovative – especially for the local industry – production program for UAV systems.

Within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation, AmaDema will be responsible for the frame and hardware parts of the UAVs, while ADDITESS will develop the operating software.

Such partnerships form the basis for creative and truly productive and sustainable development within the domestic defence ecosystem.

It is everyone’s wish that at some point we will see Cypriot UAVs in service with the National Guard and other Security Forces.

Also read: SignalGeneriX | Domestic showcase of the RF Hunter at the International Defence and Security Conference BATTLEFIELD ReDEFiNED 2023



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