INTRACOM DEFENSE | Participation of HEPS Hybrid power generator in British Army exercise
Defence Redefined
Published on 07/12/2022 at 13:45

The HEPS® Hybrid power generator of INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) successfully participated in the final phase of the British Army’s AWE22 Sustain & Protect exercise.

IDE partnered with Marshall Land Systems to provide the participating units with the organic means of producing, storing, managing, and distributing electrical power, which would allow them to maximize the rate of operations, power, autonomy, and protection, through the capabilities offered by advanced hybrid technology.

Further, the hybrid generator HEPS® provided full interoperability with participating Robotic and Autonomous Systems and enabled extensive “signature management” in the thermal and acoustic spectrum.

Exercise AWE22 Sustain & Protect enabled the British Army to deploy new technologies to support and protect a Brigade-level force, in demanding operations within an urban fabric, relying on a multitude of electronic systems and sensors that require a stable and resilient supply of electrical power.

IDE’s HEPS® Hybrid Power Systems product line is a comprehensive family of advanced power generation and storage solutions tailored to the user’s needs for a variety of military applications, helping to increase the combat capability of the Armed Forces, enhance the survivability of personnel and equipment, the significant reduction in usage costs and supply-support requirements.

Also read: INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) | Presentation of Innovative Products with an interest for the National Guard of Cyprus at EUROSATORY 2022



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