MSI Defense Solutions | 6 EAGLS C-UAS systems to US Army
Defence Redefined
Published on 01/09/2024 at 18:21

MSI Defense Solutions has delivered the first counter-UAS system, EAGLS, for use by the US Army.

Through the Rapid Acquisition Authority (RAA), MSI was awarded a contract for six EAGLS™ (Electronic Advanced Ground Launcher System) C-UAS systems, including associated engineering and maintenance support.

The EAGLS Counter-UAS system provides an adaptable, cost-effective, mobile, or stationary system that can be employed in a variety of environments and mounted on multiple platforms.

Also read: Elbit | Demonstration of its ReDrone C-UAS system

Specifically, it is available in mobile and palletized versions to protect critical infrastructure as well as moving targets.

The system comprises a launcher for 70mm laser-guided Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) II rockets, Leonardo’s RPS-40 Multi-Mission Hemispheric radar, and a telescopic mash with an electro-optical sensor and infrared cameras.

APKWS rockets, such as the Hydra 70 Mk 66, have a range of 10 km, which is identical to the detection range of the RPS-40 radar.

Also read: SAS Technology | Firing of UAS SARISA with FZ-90 rocket (Hydra 70)




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