Invitation for participation in a team for the Cyber ​​Defence Exercise “PANOPTIS 2021”
Defence Redefined
Published on 04/10/2021 at 17:30

The Organisation of Open Technologies (GFOSS), in collaboration with its members, forms groups for participation in the annual national cyber defence exercise “PANOPTIS 2021” organized by the Cyber ​​Security Directorate on October 22, 2021 (working hours). Those interested in participating in the said exercise are asked to express their interest as individuals or as a group in the following form here, by Friday, October 8, 2021. / 1443119341898186762 

The participants will work in subgroups in each scenario with horizontal coordination and will participate in the exercise using only open source tools. The participation will be done with the use of laptops by each participant in cities where there will be a sufficient number of participants.

Participants will be given the scripts of the older exercises and the tools will be tested and prepared before the exercise. The goal of the unified group is to participate in all scenarios as well as to maintain it even after the end of the exercise.

The “PANOPTIS” exercise has been organized since 2010 and it is attended by more than 200 people from the Armed and Security Forces, the Academia and Research Centers, the Public and Private Sectors.

The exercise will be conducted through the European platform POSEIDON (Platform-based Operational System for Events & Injects Distribution Online).

Also read: Cyber security officers training – “We take measures to protect our defence systems”





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