EDF 2023 | Companies – Members of HASDIG actively participate in European research programs
Defence Redefined
Published on 18/05/2024 at 11:19

Confirming the timeless strategy for extroversion and cooperation with foreign companies in the areas of research and development of new technologies, the Hellenic Defence Industry (HDI) once again actively participates in the European- funded EDF research programs.

Among the companies participating in the EDF 2023 research programmes, 9 companies – members of the Hellenic Aerospace Security and Defence Industry Group (HASDIG) are included, namely: INTRACOM DEFENSE SA, HELLENIC AEROSPACE INDUSTRY SA, ISD SA, MILTECH HELLAS SA, SOTIRIA Technology, HYDRUS, SCYTALYS SA, THALES Hellas SA, REALISCAPE.

The companies participate in 13 research programs of a total budget of 799.44 million euros with a different objective covering a wide range of novel technologies and operational needs.

More specifically, the companies – members of HASDIG participate in the following European Research programs:

  • TRITON (Generative Automation of Security Penetration Tests): INTRACOM DEFENSE SA (Budget: 6,099,450 euros)
  • ESOCA (European System for Outsized Cargo Airlift): HELLENIC AEROSPACE INDUSTRY SA, ISD (Budget: 20,001,810 euros)
  • S.W.I.F.T (Sustainable Water Innovations for Fielded Troops): INTRACOM DEFENSE SA (Budget: 3,969,852 euros)
  • SEACURE (Seabed and Anti-submarine warfare Capability through Unmanned FeatuRe for Europe): SOTIRIA Technology (Budget: 59,568,84 euros)
  • EPC2 (EPC, the European class of naval vessel): HYDRUS (Budget: 288,257,386 euros)
  • EMISSARY (European Military Integrated Space Situational Awareness and Recognition capabilitY): ISD SA (Budget: 157,698,802 euros)
  • MARTE (Main ARmoured Tank of Europe): INTRACOM DEFENSE SA, ISD SA (Budget: 20,225,001 euros)
  • ECYSAP EYE (European Cyber Situation Awareness Platform – Enhanced Cybersecurity Operations): THALES Hellas SA (Budget: 37,450,724 euros)
  • ACTUS (Advanced capabilities of Certification for Tactical UAV Systems): INTRACOM DEFENSE SA, HELLENIC AVIATION INDUSTRY SA, ISD SA, REALISCAPE (Budget: 59,494,052 euros)
  • NG-MIMA (Next Generation Military Integrated Modular Avionics): ISD SA (Budget: 30,899,295 euros)
  • HSM4COM (European cybersecurity HSM/TPM device for securing micro/nano satellite and UAV communications): MILTECH HELLAS SA (Budget: 3,082,500 euros)
  • E-CUAS (European Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems): HELLENIC AEROSPACE INDUSTRY SA (Budget: 71,168,541 euros)

It is worth noting that 8 of HASDIG’s member – companies participate in the ongoing 12 and 11 research programs of EDF 2021 and 2022 respectively.

Also read: HASDIG | Attends World Defense Show 2024 with national pavilion




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