Latvia | Citizens are asked to turn basements into air raid shelters
Defence Redefined
Published on 29/04/2024 at 11:02

Latvian authorities have called on citizens to turn their basements into air raid shelters, causing concern.

Latvia, a Baltic country, a former republic of the Soviet Union and now a member of NATO and the European Union, shares a 214 km border with Russia, raising fears in Riga that the country could be among Moscow’s first targets in case of victory in Ukraine.

In the meantime, municipal employees will take care of city-owned basements, according to CNN Greece.

For his part, the head of its civil protection committee of the Latvian capital, Gintz Rainsons, said that the basements of public buildings, schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and town halls will be checked by the authorities who will prepare them so as to be used as shelters in the event of an attack.

The aim is to prepare about a hundred air raid shelters every month, until the end of the year, he told the TV24 network.

In March, Latvian Prime Minister, Evika Silina, warned of the risk of unpredictable actions from Russia, which she compared to an alcoholic or a drug addict.

Also read: Denmark | Extended security measures on border with Germany

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