Minister of Justice | Thanking the Parliament for the Road Safety Bill voting as well as the Regulations for personnel salaries
Defence Redefined
Published on 02/08/2020 at 08:24

The Minister of Justice and Public Order, Emily Yiolitis greeted the voting of the bills concerning the increase of the penalties of the traffic code. The Minister also said that “road safety is a matter for all of us”. In a written statement, the Minister also thanked the Parliament for the adoption of the new Regulations regarding the personnel’s salary scales, in order to remove an injustice, as she says, which existed against a large number of police officers, special constables and firefighters.

Regarding the bills for the restructuring of the highest levels of Justice that were not passed, Ms. Yioliti says that her Ministry is in consultation with the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs to start a new, more intensive round of consultations, in order to reach a consensus and reformulate existing bills to be voted by the end of autumn.

“Yesterday, in the plenary session of the Parliament, one of the many steps needed to deal with and reduce road collisions was made. I would like to thank the plenary session of the Parliament, the Parliamentary Committee on Transport, the Ministry of Transport and all those who contributed to the voting of the bills concerning the increase of the penalties of the traffic code,” says the Minister of Justice.

“Increases in fines are just one part of the broader effort we all need to make so that we do not mourn our fellow human beings on the streets so unjustly,” she said, adding that road safety is a matter for all of us.

“The hard work of the officials of the Ministry and me personally does not stop with the passing of the specific bills. Road safety is high on my priorities and together with my partners and all those involved, we continue to strive to reduce deadly and serious road collisions as much as possible, to improve the road network, to make our fellow citizens feel safe on the streets,” she adds.

Also read: C.P.A. | The regulations for the promotion of the Police, Firefighters and Special Constables were passed

Ms. Yioliti also thanked the Parliament for the adoption of the new Regulations, which were submitted last week, concerning the salary scales “so that an injustice that exists against a large number of police officers, special constables and firefighters will be removed.”

Unfortunately, she continues, it was not possible to pass the most important part of the Justice Reform, which concerns the restructuring of the highest levels of Justice, despite the fact that the consultations and the examination of the bills had been completed. Yesterday, she adds, a part of the Reform was passed, which concerns the creation of a School of Judges for the continuous training of the Judicial Service, as well as the necessary amendments for redistribution of civil jurisdiction among the ranks of District Judges.

“Reform is the only way if we want to give the Citizen a faster and better administration of Justice. We are already in consultation with the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs to launch a new, more intensive round of consultations in order to reach a consensus, to reformulate the existing bills to be voted by the end of autumn,” the Minister concludes.

Source: CNA

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