GDAEE | Joint working group formation with Domestic Defence Industry
Defence Redefined
Published on 22/11/2021 at 18:30

The decision of the General Director of the General Directorate for Defence Investments and Armaments (GDAEE) on the formation of a joint working group between GDAEE and the Hellenic Industrial Property Academy (HIPA) was posted today in Diavgeia. According to the decision, the scope of the joint working group is the following:

  1. The proposal of the Associations (of HIPA) for the strengthening of industrial participation, taking into account the practices of EU Member-States, the current national legal framework, and the National Defence Industrial Strategy,
  2. The implementation of Offset Benefit programs,
  3. The planned establishment of the Integrated Registry of Defence Operations, and
  4. The planned establishment of the Integrated Defence Research and Technology Agency.

The first meeting of the working group will take place on November 24 at 10:00 at GDAEE (conference room in the building of the Deputy General Manager of GDAEE). The Deputy Director-General of GDAEE, Major General (ret.) Michael Papadakis, will chair the said Working Group.

The committee will be composed of 6 members who are GDDIA personnel, one member by the General Directorate of the National Defence Policy and Foreign Affairs, 2 members from the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (full – alternate member), and from the HAPI Associations:

  • Anastasios Rozolis, Chairman of the Hellenic Manufacturers of Defence Material Association (SEKPY);
  • Anastasios Chatzistamatiou, Vice President of SEKPY;
  • Nikolaos Papatsas, Chairman of the Association of Hellenic Aerospace Security Companies;
  • Evangelos Veronikiatis, Vice Chairman of the Association of Hellenic Aerospace Security Companies.

Also read: PESCO | Council launches 4th wave of new projects in defence cooperation in EU





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