Year 2021 finds the Republic of Cyprus (RoC) in a lurking depressive atmosphere in most of its activity sectors and its state status. Such sectors are, among others, security, economy, tourism, health, work, demographic and social cohesion.
In this article I will refer only to security, which is evidently jeopardized due to the Turkish aggression, the weakening of the defence shield of the Roc and the unfavorable prospects for a proper solution of the Cyprus problem.
In the military field, the Turkish threat is growing. Our occupied territories present a nightmarish image of colonial orgasm, Turkification, Islamization and the elimination of every trace of Greek presence and Christian life.
The free territories are under the constant threat of the Turkish Occupation Forces, which are constantly reinforced with attack weapon systems (tanks, artillery, drones) as well as the demographic deterioration caused by the illegal immigration of Muslim immigrants which is promoted by Turkey.
Also read: Armenia – Azerbaijan | Extensive use of UAVs and the first military use of S-300 – VIDEO
The sea area of Cyprus suffered a new Turkish invasion as 44% came under the control of Turkey, which carries out illegal surveys and drilling.
On ground, the Turkish Occupation Forces, by being strengthened and in combination with their other advantages, have increased their capabilities to conduct unexpected offensive operations, with the political goal of forcing the RoC to accept a solution to the Cyprus problem, which will serve the Turkish strategy for control of the whole of Cyprus.
In the political / diplomatic field, the security situation is just as dangerous. We are slipping into the trap of a five-party conference, with the RoC being absent at the request of Turkey and Britain and with a wrong position, in my opinion, on the Cyprus issue. Namely, the support of the Bizonal Bicommunal Federation, despite the fact that this solution, a covert confederation of two states and the dissolution of the RoC, was rejected by the Cypriot Hellenism in a referendum in 2004.
Today, Turkey supports a similar two-state solution without the ‘mantle’ of the Bizonal Bicommunal Federation. The two-state solution does not seem to be utterly unexpected. It has been featured in the International Crisis Group (ICG) for many years and is included in its 44-page report, published on March 14, 2014 (Europe Report No. 229), which covers all aspects of such a solution. An excerpt from the Executive Summary of the report on page II states:
“The existing Republic of Cyprus and a new Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, side by side within the EU, can offer much of what Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots want.” … “Turkey and Turkish Cypriots could make defence arrangements with each other within the EU.”
Also read: Interview with Dr. Daniel Pipes, on the occasion of the recent in Greek-Turkish tensions
In conclusion, the security situation in the military and political / diplomatic field is extremely dangerous and new troubles are foretold for the Hellenism of Cyprus. Immediate action is required to strengthen our defence shield and reject the solution to the Cyprus issue based on Turkish terms, such as the Bizonal Bicommunal Federation, a confederation, a two-state solution, etc. We should rapidly strengthen our resistance capability and especially in terms of defence shielding, we should respond to all WHY questions related to its weaknesses with corrective actions:
- Why isn’t the practice of our government to have only a small part and not the total contributions to the Defence Shield Fund reviewed so as to cover the large armament needs of the National Guard (NG)?
- Why has the military service been drastically reduced, without the Turkish military threat or the opposition front having changed?
- Why has the National Guard proceeded with a wrongful reorganization in recent years?
- Why was the modernization of the existing equipment and weapon systems of the Armed Forces been neglected, why were the necessary additions to the deficiencies not made, nor was the planning for the acquisition of the Navy and the Air Force planned?
- Why has the control of the Green Line been weakened and no effective measures have been taken to prevent the entry of illegal Muslim immigrants – promoted by Turkey – through the Green Line and our coasts?
- Why is there a lack of the necessary political will to revive the Cyprus-Greece Integrated Defence Doctrine and to conclude defence alliances with neighboring and other friendly countries?
- Why hasn’t a National Security Council been set up or a national security strategy been drafted?
The torturous WHY that plagues our defensive armor negatively affects the combat power of the Armed Forces and the ability of the RoC to defend itself. The possibility of self-defence is the cornerstone of a state’s security and must be placed on the immediate and highest priorities of our government, parliament and the political world in 2021.
* Lt. General (Ret) Former Minister of Defence
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